One wonders what Nietzsche ‘meant’ (Morgan, 1965) or what he ‘really said’ (Solomon & Higgins, 2012). Maybe Nietzsche is more complicated than he seems, but taking Nietzsche hiking seems far more fun and by definition, backpacks set weight limits, Nietzsche on a hike is a less demanding Nietzsche, no need for reading precision (Johansson & Schumann, 2017), or asking, as if for a change: what would Nietzsche do? As reborn, your consciousness is no more connected to the consciousness of any past lives’ consciousness than your consciousness is identical with the consciousness of drinking this morning’s cup of coffee, assuming you were conscious enough to remember to have a cup of coffee to begin with. A centrifugal wheel, »supreme constellation of Being, that no wish can attain, that no negation can soil.« The eternal return is repetition; but it is the repetition that selects, the repetition that saves. 16–24). For a defense of Nietzsche’s ‘perfectionism’ across his entire corpus see Daniel Conway (1997) Nietzsche and the Political, pp. Berlin: de Gruyter. I. Kant ︎ 13 ︎ 4 comments ︎ u/twilling8 ︎ Nov 14 ︎ report. Yet one way to do this, and many scholars find it useful is to skip references to other scholars or even the fact of their existence, all so many leaden drops. Lean Library can solve it. Here it is to the point to note that experts, unburdened by erudition, nota bene, not unlike Wilamowitz, have for their part accused Nietzsche of getting his Greek wrong (Babich, 2009, pp. J. Vienna: Turia Kant. Anti-Education by Friedrich Nietzsche. As Nietzsche puts it at KSA 7.19(41): ‘The culture of a people is revealed in the unifying taming (Bändigung) of the drives of this people: philosophy tames the knowledge-drive, art the form-drive and the drive for ecstasy, agape controls eros, and so forth.’ See also KSA 7.23(14) on philosophy’s role in either ‘preparing for’, ‘maintaining’, or ‘moderating’ culture. Sharing links are not available for this article. Ancient philosophy, mystery, and magic: Empedocles and the pythagorean tradition. Kritische Studienausgabe, ed. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. According to Nietzsche, Goethe represents the best example of a higher human (KSA, 6, 151-152). This is the riddle, ‘Who is the shepherd? Rowthorn, D. (2017). And it is certain enough that many Nietzsche scholars play leapfrog in Nietzsche’s text when they come to quotes from Schopenhauer, lightly skipping over these, be these lengthy citations included in The Birth of Tragedy and many others, including, perhaps especially one might argue, our reading of ‘Schopenhauer as Educator’? Create a link to share a read only version of this article with your colleagues and friends. 1 Autumn 1983, 48-71, shows that Nietzsche’s later Genealogy of Morality is concerned with locating and perfecting the ‘distinctively human’. But I don’t have more time. On the idea of a ‘great enlightenment,’ see SE 5 and on ‘higher enlightenment,’ see KSA 7:32[83]. Babich, B. And The Gay Science has an aphorism of the same title, suggesting that ‘the brotherhood of death’ that we share as mortal beings is the only brother- hood there is for living subjects of consciousness, for subjects of desire, for subjects such as our-selves, born to mortality and bound to die, whether we think about it or not: we will in any case. Nietzsche. (Ibid.) 101–132). Thus Deleuze defines the Overman, and this is the Deleuzian Ideal: ‘The Overman refers specifically to the gathering of all that can be affirmed, the superior form of what is, the figure that represents selective Being, its offspring and subjectivity’. What gives me the right to speak of an “I,” and even of an “I” as cause of thought”’? (See Babich, 2014; further on Schrödinger and Indian philosophy, see Bitbol, 1998) Thus there is (and for the Stoics it was essential to reflect that there could be) no difference between the you that says I and the universe. 30Dans une partie intitulée « Les philosophes de l’époque tragique dévoilent, comme la tragédie, le monde » (ksa 7, 21 [16], 527 ; kgw iii /4, 21 [16], 119), Nietzsche esquisse la relation entre Héraclite (« L’art au service de la volonté » [Kunst im Dienst des Willens ]), Empédocle (« Amour et haine en Grèce » [Liebe und Haß in Griechenland]), et les autres présocratiques. In Richard Schacht, Nietzsche’s Postmoralism: Essays on Nietzsche’s Prelude to Philosophy’s Future (pp. Babich, B. Allahabad, India. (1986). They overlook the second consecration, which, in Lemm’s words, hence overlooks Nietzsche’s account of individuals’ ‘responsibility’ to culture. Babich, B. Early continental philosophy of science. In addition, among the existentialists there is Camus (Gordon 2016), certainly Foucault and even, so I argue, Arendt and de Beauvoir in addition to Luce Irigaray (1991; cf. Nietzsche specifies that hidden mechanism as a … He does use two different German terms that are often rendered as ‘culture’ in English translations - Kultur and Bildung - but Nietzsche employs these terms interchangeably, despite the venerable tradition of German theory of Bildung. The same holds for those ‘who require form’, that is, and the reference is to the first of The Untimely Essays, and its discussion of cultural philistinism in ‘David Strauss the Confessor and the Writer’, and Nietzsche observes that none of these four powers taken singly or and most fatally together—civic, financial, cultural, and scholarly institutions—help matters when what is at stake is ‘the production of the genius’, remarking that ‘Socrates could not have lived among us and would in any event not have attained seventy’. The fewer axioms, the better. New Statesman, 29 August. The dwarf we will meet again later is already there, this time as evil hunchback, causing all manner of trouble, jumping over the dancer which causes him to lose his balance and thus his footing, crashing to the marketplace below. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. ‘Etudes sur l’envers et les travers du livre. What returns is exactly what was: and there will be nothing different in it. Lemco, G. (1992). Why Schopenhauer? Equality, democracy, and self-respect: Reflections on Nietzsche’s Agonal Perfectionism. ), Bataille. Marianne Cowan (cited as PTAG in the text, with page numbers). Here what may be worth noting is that Nietzsche does not seem to choose the exemplary educator we might have chosen for him. Authenticity and learning: Nietzsche’s educational philosophy. So we know, so we say, that he was a classicist, but immediately undo that attribution reflecting that he left it behind, that his fellow classicists judged him badly, so what could he have really had to say to his own discipline? Nietzsche waits until he has found the philosopher in question and until he has the time (cue Descartes but also that first ‘meditator’, Marcus Aurelius who sets the pattern for such waiting and such attention), in order to dedicate himself to that same educator. 1Le 24 octobre 1887, le jeune Privatdozent Edmund Husserl prononce à l’Université de Halle sa conférence inaugurale « Les buts et les tâches de la métaphysique » : c’est l’acte fondateur d’un travail d’enseignement et de recherche qui aboutit en 1900 à la publication des Recherches logiques. Nietzsche illustrates the mechanics of selection as we experience it by reflecting in an aphorism on pride and memory: ‘“I have done that” says my memory. In: J. Ferréiros & J. Rivista di Estetica, 45(28), 17–23. Nietzsche, Gay Science, 1882/87, Preface §4 to the 2nd ed. See N. Martin for the judgment that BT ‘engages in a constructive and at times even deferential manner with Schiller’s aesthetic theory’ and, I think here, with the moral theory: Martin (1996) Nietzsche and Schiller: Untimely Aesthetics. Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil [1886], ed. But scratch our dime store Nietzsche and we find, and the more we learn of him, the plainer this becomes, one of the most erudite scholars of the last two centuries. Strauss, L. (1973). See J. Conant (, For an elaboration of Nietzsche’s appropriation of Socrates and eros, see J. (2015b). And it is for such a love that we might discover Nietzsche (as educator) for our part. In M. Oehler (Ed. Nietzsche shares this insight with Heraclitus and Empedocles and even, despite the ethical, Anaximander (cf. (TI, Reason, §1), »eternal return.selective Being.« How can reaction and nihilism, how can negation come back, since the eternal return is the Being that is only said of affirmation, and becoming in action? Danto 2005 and Syrjämäki, 2009) The comment on analytic self-inspection is apropos here, especially in the context which was for Danto a claim to priority, looking back 15 years and ignoring Hans Vaihinger’s (1902) Nietzsche als Philosoph. Nietzsche and Diogenes Laertius. 11, 50-4; G.W.F Hegel (1991) Elements of the Philosophy of Right, Trans. ‘Nietzsche als Erzieher’ kontra ‘Nietzsche in der Pädagogik?’. ‘Nature is a bad economist: its expenditure is much larger than the income it procures; all its wealth notwithstanding it is bound sooner or later to ruin itself’. 7 Abbreviations. (2017b). Educational Philosophy and Theory, 42(8), 918–920. J. Conant does not discuss this passage from UM 2.9 where Nietzsche is explicit about the inegalitarian character of his notion of ‘exemplar’. The year 1876 in Nietzsche’s life. (2015a). On this matter, see Nietzsche’s ambivalence towards Schiller’s idealism on BT 38-9. Article Feature Image Acknowledgement:, Leander Penaso Marquez, Marqz Verone Vergara Olivar, Chloe Eco Brijuega, Rola Palalon Ombao, Wulmar Cerezo Cerio, Francisco Deogracias Baes. Nietzsche’s imperative, amor fati, calls upon us to love what becomes, to consecrate becoming by highlighting, by restoring (this has to be done, this is the reason for action, for what was above named a bite, a selection) contra the Parmenidean vision of being, contra Plato: this is the innocence of becoming. Mongré, P. [Felix Hausdorff] (1897). When someone asks what a Nietzsche quote means. ‘The Prophet of Our Laughter: Or Nietzsche — as Educator’ (O’Hara, 1981), the disjoint force of the title depends upon the thought slash — to render the German Gedankenstriche in place of what we call a ‘dash.’. Sorgner, S. (2017). Princeton: Princeton University Press. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Or not much rather Goethe, whom Nietzsche himself sets together with Hafiz, for that matter? Eugene, OR: Pickwick. KSA 9:11[157], 11[203], 11[311]), and he continually makes use of traditional images of cyclical time, such as the wheel (Rad) of time and the image of the ourobouros. Nietzsche avance cette thèse dans une interprétation du positivisme qui affirme qu’il n’y a que des faits : « non, il n’y a précisément pas de faits, mais que des interprétations » (Fragments posthumes fin 1886 – printemps 1887 7 [60], KSA 12, 315). Nietzsche Puns. Gertrude Postl, Babette Babich, and Holger Schmid, trans. The standard English translation cuts ‘heaviness’ in Das grösste Schwergewicht, perhaps as it is too ponderous to read: thus ‘the greatest weight’ is one’s own past repeated, no chance of rebirths, no heaven, no hell, the same everything already lived through, great and small, da capo, no alteration. Babich, B. Lambert, L. (1997). John Locke was an important transitional figure from Hobbes to Rousseau and Kant in attempting to restore human dignity to an empiricist anthropology. Zu Nietzsche hat mich kaputtgemacht. Nietzsche. London: Bloomsbury. ), Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory. Centauren-Geburten: Wissenschaft, Kunst Und Philosophie Beim Jungen Nietzsche. But, and here the parallel to Descartes’ Meditations (following, again, Hadot’s allusion to Pierre Courcelle and his reading of the Greek context behind Augustine’s Confessions, Hadot, 1995, pp. 275–298). [7] Nietzsche en appelle à un abandon du scepticisme ambiant, qui vire au nihilisme de celui qui ne croit à rien et veut le rien. Heelan, P. A. 54. Oxford: Peter Lang. re the ‘good’ and the ‘bad’; Babich, 2017d), The tenth motive we have still with us, these are recognition and publication cartels which Nietzsche well in advance of the Sokal hoax explores in terms of the position such motivations conferred on the ‘exploding’ of error such that ‘now and again the actual truth is exploded too, so as to make room at least for a time, for obstinate and impudent errors: since here as elsewhere there is no lack of “moral idiocies”, otherwise called roguish pranks’. The Hallelujah Effect: Music, performance practice, and technology. All the receptions of a text form a series of synchro-nic cross sections that constitute the diachronic history of this text.Historical-cri- In this way, the profound Hellene was saved: art had saved him.31 Here Nietzsche emancipates himself from Schopenhauer. At the same time, Nietzsche thinks that this sickness is ‘like pregnancy’ - that is, it is not a fact to be regretted, but rather to be celebrated for its creative potential. In: K. Ansell-Pearson, & H. Caygill, (eds), The fate of the new Nietzsche (pp. Nietzsche, KSA 7, 165) In any case, no matter whether one is able to contain or fails to contain in one soul ‘the oldest, the newer, losses, hopes, conquests, and the victories of humanity … and crowd it into a single feeling’ (GS 4, 337), what remains significant is the long run and the highest feeling. Hence, this article challenges the ‘aristocratic’ versus ‘democratic’ Nietzsche debate by making the case that Nietzsche defended two opposed notions of culture in his early period work: a national or group culture and a cosmopolitan culture. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Thus Nietzsche as educator seems more than merely an apt epithet, stolen as many titles for studies of Nietzsche are stolen from his own work. In T. Hart (Ed.). Culture remains a divisive issue in liberal democracies, and this article argues Nietzsche offers a principled middle ground between the conservative and progressive camps of recent and ongoing ‘culture wars’. Yet what is meant by this, and what does it mean that Nietzsche’s particular educator or ‘exemplar’ as Tracy Strong among others argue for their own part—Strong brilliantly speaks of ‘philosophical cruising’ (Strong, 2000, xxx) in order to focus on the search for exemplar (see also the contributions to Hart, 2009, Fairfield, 2011, etc) — turns out to be Arthur Schopenhauer? (2009). Nietzsche und die Pädagogik: Werk, Biografie und Rezeption. Like a speck of dust, as the demon says, the hourglass of existence is turned upside down, again and again. Fairfield, P. The fourfold root of the principle of sufficient reason. 266–7. Nietzsche’s New Seas. Das spielende Kind. Cross-reference tool between the dubious The Will to Power and the original text of Nietzsche's notes. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. The dwarf literally takes a load off, springing to the ground from Zarathustra’s shoulder where he had been pouring thoughts of lead into his ear. the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. He spat far away the snake’s head—and sprang up’. Double Hermeneutics and Citation in Philosophy, Asphodel and Alan Rickman, Bruno Latour and the ‘Science Wars’. For helpful general discussions of Nietzsche’s early view of culture, see R. McGinn (1975) ‘Culture as Prophylactic: Nietzsche’s Birth of Tragedy as Culture Criticism’, Nietzsche Studien, vol. Thus he switched to being everybody’s favorite bad boy philosopher, winning the insistence, beginning with Bertrand Russell that he was no philosopher, only, to use Nietzsche’s own contrast, as Nietzsche himself anticipated this denigration, a poet. Bloomington: University of Illinois Press. München: Musarion. suppositions and means” has primacy (KSA 7:23[30]). Indeed, even less than coffee here or there, one’s past lives, themselves the same, by definition, could not be ‘remembered’ as such, this is the greatness of the Heraclitean great year, as that would introduce a difference: what recurs is not an ancient cosmogenesis, cycling Empedocles or like the Herclitean eternal fire, kindling and rekindling, the sun new again each day, but a thermodynamic system: eternally the same. Even books dedicated to ‘misReading’ Nietzsche helpfully offer claims for the right way to interpret his texts (Clemente & Cocchiara, 2018, cf. Get Textbooks on Google Play. Nietzsche as Educator. pp. 1, pp. for the difficult turns of the reading and not less for the fluidity of the moment, or the history of philology, Pierre Hadot, 1995)? … Suddenly it will be empty, everyone will have flown the nest: for it is easy to get rid of bad philosophers, one has only to cease rewarding them. 5 Gesetzgebung der Grösse : surtout en Grèce, constatation de Nietzsche jusqu’en 1873 ; voir dans la nouvelle édition dénommée Kritische Studienausgabe de Giorgio Colli et Mazzino Montinari, en 15 volumes, chez Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York, 1967-77 et 1988 : 2è éd. 19 – 96, and in a lecture series that Nietzsche attended enthusiastically at the University of Basel in the early 1870s. (2005). These have rightfully elicited Nietzsche’s commitment to an ethical ideal of ‘autonomy.’. Affirmation as Zarathustra’s Pythagorean ‘cure’ offers us this remedy is and must be active, as Deleuze will speak of it. Nietzsche)and)Plato)! (Allison, 2001, p. vii) Nietzsche, as Allison goes on to explain, is a critic who taught his followers to be free spirits contra everything heavy and thus went on to pen his Zarathustra. (1965). Nietzsche and the Magisterial Tradition. Boundary 2, Vol. Nietzsche brings us full circle, why Schopenhauer? Heidegger came to rue not his claims of resistance but surely the challenge of wrestling with Nietzsche as he reflected in retrospect: ‘Nietzsche hat mich kaput gemacht’ (Gadamer, 1996, cf. Nietzsche did not seem to have a problem with talking about eternal recurrence in terms of a circular course or repetition (Kreislauf, wiederholung; cf. (SE §8) As Nietzsche goes on to say, the educational institution however constituted claims to be able distinguish good and bad philosophers, the ones it hires being good, all others being bad. Cf. Above all there are no jobs in antiquity: the philosopher is not paid. (2010b). Thus we retell ourselves to ourselves such that, on the story we tell, the wretched things we have done can be laid to someone’s else’s account, attributed, ascribed to some other cause, be it fate, destiny, God, genes, whatever. The Journal of Nietzsche Studies, 24/(1), 113–131. See, for instance, F. Nietzsche (n.d.) ‘On the Future of Our Educational Institutions’ (FEI), tr. All hat. View or download all content the institution has subscribed to. Deleuze and Guattari, politics and education: For a people-yet-to-come. Felix Hausdorff’s considered empiricism. Nietzsche als Sophist und Erzieher Weinheim: Acta Humanioria. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. See helpful discussions of Bildung by W. Bruford (1975) The German Tradition of Self-Cultivation. Cahiers du service culturel de l’ambassade de France en Inde. This translation of his collection of lectures and essays originally published in 1982 portrays Nietzsche being primarily interested in science, albeit taken off course for a time by Wagner and their shared interest in Schopenhauer. Deleuze, G. (1986). With the festive season approaching, we are having our first funding drive, so if you are able to, please go to our donation page and donate to PESA Agora, to fund its ongoing development. In M. A. Peters (Ed), Encyclopedia of educational philosophy and theory (pp. H.B. Jane V. Curran and Christophe Fricker. (1991). This was the going assumption for Nietzsche and his contemporaries (key to note for historians of science), and some scientists assume it to this very day. Emphasis Nietzsche’s. Oxford: Clarendon Press. ), Den Manen Friedrich Nietzsches (pp. Fitzsimons, P. (2007). A list of puns related to "Nietzsche" Someone asked me to name a greater philosopher than Nietzsche. On this point, see Kant’s remarks about the ‘Copernican revolution in philosophy’ at Bxvi in the Critique of Pure Reason, Trans. 3 Answers. Nietzsche als Erzieher. Nietzsche: Postvorsokratiker-Vorpostmoderner. Babich, B. (See Babich, 2017d for a recent overview, though I have been writing about this since the Sokal year of 1996), Nor does Nietzsche fail to summarize, cui bono?, he asks, when it comes to the futures of our educational institutions: the state who institutes these institutions seeks thereby, this will be Max Weber’s point more complicatedly construed in his analysis of the ‘Protestant Ethic,’ but it is very directly Ivan Illich’s point in his Deschooling Society, ‘to further itself and it cannot conceive of a goal higher than its own welfare and continued existence’. Bite!”’ (Z 3, Vision, §2). Biebuyck, B., Praet, D., & Poel, I. V. (2005). Zarathustra’s children: A study of a lost generation of German writers. (Ibid.) Nietzsche goes on further to list, by count, the various attributes of the scholar. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 49, 1–4. (2001). In: Yuncel (Ed. No part of what Zarathustra says comforts the crushed man: ‘If you are speaking the truth,’ he said, ‘I leave nothing when I leave life.