In most cases, the difference between one marking application and another is a matter of seconds. $408.99 $ 408. link: '', Kostengünstiger Laserbeschrifter. For example, Laserax is able to etch high-quality data matrix codes on aluminum parts in just 1.40 seconds (for a 16x16 DMC of 10x10 mm; find out more about marking speeds for aluminum here). La gravure laser est utilisée dans de nombreux domaines, tels que la bijouterie, la coutellerie, la personnalisation d'objets ou sur les chaines de fabrication pour le marquage des numéros de lots ou des dates de péremption. Laser annealing, which creates marks under the surface, offers the best resistance to corrosion. It’s possible to generate white marks that contrast with the bare steel color on most steel types. Servicii gravura metal cu laser sau CNC. Do you need a fiber laser system or CO2 laser system? D'autres solutions s'offrent à vous, contactez nos experts en gravure ou utilisez notre guide de sélection. Nous utilisons des cookies et des outils similaires pour faciliter vos achats, fournir nos services, pour comprendre comment les clients utilisent nos services afin de pouvoir apporter des améliorations, et pour présenter des annonces. Magnesium parts: Steering wheels, transmission cases, engine casings, engine blocks, other auto parts, magnesium ingots, bundles, billets, gearboxes, slugs, and die castings. Fiber laser machines are low maintenance, use no consumables, and create high-contrast marks. Fiber laser machines are used to engrave marks that resist surface treatments and wear and tear. Steel parts: suspension springs, brake pads, coils, billets, plates, pipes, tubes, sheet steel, and more. A laser etching machine offers the fastest marking speed possible. Without proper integration, fiber laser systems can cause eye and skin injuries. Pour le marquage du métal au laser, il existe diverses méthodes de traitement comme la décoloration lors du marquage par recuit ou la gravure de surface par évaporation. The designs that can be reproduced by a metal laser engraver are practically limitless – company logos, fancy text, QR codes, even photos can be etched on a piece of metal item. Lasergravur auf Metall. Lorem İpsum. This process creates marks that are deep enough to keep their high readability after a shotblast treatment. They can either be fully automated or semi-automated. With Laserax, your work environment is 100% laser safe. Dieses Verfahren zeichnet sich durch eine sehr hohe Widerstandsfähigkeit der Lasergravur aus. The paste is scientifically formulated to make a permanent, chemical bond to surfaces, without compromising or damaging the material being marked. The laser marking and engraving machines manufactured by Laserax are ready to be integrated into production lines. When engraving metals with this process, you can implement traceability earlier in the production process. We can laser engrave on a variety of painted or enameled metals as well as anodized aluminum. Laser etching is the only laser marking process that generates a high contrast on zinc parts. This includes die cast, general-purpose, pure, and anodized aluminum. message: ' nutzt Cookies, um bestmögliche Funktionalität bieten zu können. Laser cutters use continuous-wave lasers, whereas laser engravers use pulsed laser beams. The way the laser engraving process works on painted or enameled metals, is that the laser burns through the coating on the metal to produce the laser engraving, painted or enameled metals will have varying colors depending on coating and metal. Les machines sont certifiées CDHR Sécurité Classe 1. The laser etching process is the best choice for most applications, unless you need increased resistance to surface treatments, corrosion, or wear and tear. Laserax offers different focus systems designed to allow lasers to mark flat, curved, or even unknown surfaces with high precision: Once you get your machine, it’s already configured for specific marking processes. Read more on the subject: Data Matrix Codes vs. QR Codes - What Is the Difference? The Laserax team also optimizes laser parameters for your application. Bitte beachtet hier, dass die „China Laser“ natürlich gewisse Grenzen haben. Fiber laser components are also very durable, with a laser source that has a mean time between failure of 100,000 hours. oder Preisvorschlag. Herzlich willkommen bei der Hölzl Gravuren GmbH.Unser Unternehmen bietet Ihnen zahlreiche Leistungen in Bezug auf die Laserbeschriftung und sonstige Lasergravur. Laser ablation offers a different realm of possibilities. Laser marking is most often used to mark stainless steel grades 304 and 316, but it can be used to mark any grade. Une technique de marquage durable et rapide à réaliser. Laser engraving should be used to get the most resistant marks. Laser machines can also be configured for laser annealing and laser ablation. Read more on the subject: CO2 vs. Those are just some of the factors that affect the price of a machine. This way, you’re certain that your machine is safely integrated into your production line, and that you don’t need to implement any additional safety measures. Should I engrave QR codes or data matrix codes? Laser engraving metal gives these gift items a more personalised feel. So führen wir als CNC-Gravierbetrieb bspw. What kind of machine is needed to integrate the laser system? Melden Sie sich für unseren Newsletter an Abonnieren. The speed of the process depends on the coating, but it’s the fastest laser process. iPhone / Smartphone / Handy / lasergraviert / lasergravur. VEVOR Laser Graviermaschine, CNC 3040 Maschine 7000 mW, CNC-Fräsmaschine 30 x 40 cm, All-in-One-Lasergravierer, DIY Laser Graviermaschine, Laser Gravur mit USB-Anschluss, Win XP, Win7, Win8, Win10 5,0 von 5 Sternen 1 Une gamme de sources laser Fibre de 20 à 50 W pour des travaux précis de gravure jusqu'au marquage plus profond et travaux en grande série. Ce type de laser est formé à partir d’un mélange gazeux de dioxyde de carbone agité avec une source électrique. If you’re marking the bare aluminum, marking is done before the anodizing treatment. Yet when compared to QR codes, data matrix codes offer an important advantage. Lasergravur / Diamantgravur für Events & Messen. Zinc part examples: ingot bundles, jumbo blocks, die cast ingots, anode ingots, slabs, die castings, automotive parts, and more. Par All3DP Jan 17, 2020. In those cases, laser engraving or laser annealing might be better adapted to your application. You can use them to permanently mark anything, including data matrix codes, QR codes, serial numbers, barcodes, and logos. Lead part examples: cored stick anodes, ingots, and counterweights. How much laser power do you need? Technologies. For almost any metals you want to mark, fiber laser machines provide readable marks quickly and efficiently. Mehr anzeigen Kompakte CO2-Laser. A 100W laser will be almost twice as fast as a 50W laser. Laser engravers are configured in such a way that they create deep markings in the metal. Magnesium is a metal that has a lower density than other metals and is thus used for parts that need to be lightweight. Die Metallbeschriftung oder -gravur erfolgt durch den Laser kontaktlos und bedarf keiner Vor- oder Nachbearbeitung. As a result, you get high-quality marks and prevent the formation of rust on the surface. Laser technology is highly reliable and adapted to the most challenging industrial applications. The advertising and sign making industry has also benefitted greatly from laser marking technology. dismiss: 'Ok, verstanden', }; Copyright 2013-2018 Le graveur laser CO2 est une machine de gravure qui utilise le type de laser à gaz, autrement appelé laser au dioxyde de carbone. La gamme laser fibre est totalement sécurisée et fonctionne dans un environnement standard (vitre fermée). How long does it take to mark with a laser? Echtes Clipper Rainbow Metall-Feuerzeug, mit Feuerstein, R.. 36,00€ ... Gravur Laser / Laser Schilder Design. Aujourd'hui jeudi 7 janvier 2021, faites vous plaisir grâce à notre sélection Machine gravure laser metal pas cher ! CNC 3018 Pro GRBL Lasergravur Graviermaschine FräSmaschine Upgrade Version F4U0. Depuis maintenant plusieurs années, le laser est devenu un outil indispensable, rendant bien des services, notamment pour la gravure et le marquage laser de métaux. Deux technologies s’offrent à vous pour un résultat optimal : la gravure au laser et la gravure mécanique. CO2 laser marking machines produce a different wavelength than fiber lasers. The way the laser engraving process works on painted or enameled metals, is that the laser burns through the coating on the metal to produce the laser engraving, painted or enameled metals will have varying colors depending on coating and metal. With fiber marking, you can choose from different laser powers, ranging from 20W to 500W. When marking anodized aluminum, you can either mark the bare aluminum or the oxide layer depending on when you need the marking to be done. This is because laser annealing functions at a lower temperature than other marking processes. For high-speed marking, laser etching is the best process for steel surfaces. window.cookieconsent_options = { They’re indeed capable of encoding more characters in the same space, which often means faster marking speeds since the codes can be smaller. Our process does not cut into the metal, but laser marks the surface of the metal material. Mit Gravur laser metall einen Versuch zu wagen - sofern Sie von den erstklassigen Angeboten des Fabrikanten profitieren - vermag eine enorm großartige Idee zu sein. If you’re marking the oxide layer, marking is done after. FREE Shipping. theme: 'dark-top' A laser etching machine uses a fast marking process to etch high-quality marks on the oxide layer. EUR 118,99 (EUR 118,99/Einheit) Kostenloser Versand. This is useful, for example, for stainless steel exhaust lines, which must keep a high resistance to corrosion. Nur noch 2. Ces process de marquage produisent d’excellents résultats aussi bien pour graver des métaux tendres comme l’aluminium ou le laiton, que pour … Sofern Sie Gravur laser metall nicht erproben, sind Sie anscheinend bislang nicht in Stimmung, um den Problemen den Kampf anzusagen. The resulting marks are permanent and easy to read, providing a traceability solution you can rely on. A laser engraving machine creates deep marks in the bare aluminum, which ensures that marks can be read after they’re anodized. What’s the difference between CO2 lasers and fiber lasers? Achat Machine gravure laser metal à prix discount. graveur laser metal. Metall - Laser/CNC Beschilderung Gravierzubehör Fertigprodukte Fräser und Einsätze ... Gravur & Schneiden von Papier/Karton Gravur auf Glas & Kristall Gravur auf Stein Gravierte Stempel Acryl, Plexiglas®, PMMA ... CO2-Laser. Because aluminum surfaces have a high thermal conductivity, fiber lasers can mark aluminum at a high temperature for high-speed applications, creating high-contrast marks. Lead materials also have a low melting temperature, making it easy for lasers to induce marks on a localized surface. Each configuration corresponds to one of the following laser marking processes: laser engraving, laser etching, laser annealing, and laser ablation. With laser metal etching, part of the material is removed from the surface, creating highly contrasted black and white marks. ... metall beschriften; metall gravieren; metall lasern; metall lasern; metall markierung; metall schneiden; metallbearbeitung; namensschild; namensschilder; Semi-automated machines need an operator for part of the operation. It can be used regardless of the zinc alloy. There are many factors that affect the price range of a laser machine. Hölzl Gravur und Laserbeschriftung Kunststoff, Metall, Industriegravur und mehr. cleaning speeds for metals contaminants here. Schiefer beschriftet mit Laser-Gravur. Marking a pitch-black contrast takes more time than a shade of gray. Vorteile der Metallgravur – perfekte Gravur mit geringen Kosten. Fiber Laser - Which One Should You Buy? The laser engraving process rarely exceeds 100W, but it reaches higher peaks of energy. Les procédures de traitement utilisées pour l'identification et la gravure des métaux sont tout aussi complètes: elles vont du recuit et du marquage noir à la gravure «simple» et tridimensionnelle. They’re ideal for engraving all types of hard or soft metal surfaces. 51/2 D-73734 Esslingen am Neckar: Telefon ++49 (0)711 / 345 971-0 Metall Gravur Wir können auf einer Vielzahl von emailli erten Metallen sowie von eloxiertem Aluminium gravieren. Metal Engraving and Marking with Fiber Laser Machines For almost any metals you want to mark, fiber laser machines provide readable marks quickly and efficiently. Laser-gravur auf Hundehalsband Leder hell. Vous recherchez plutôt une machine de gravure mécanique sur métal ? ORTUR Laser Master 2, Laser Engraver CNC, Laser Engraving Cutting Machine, DIY Laser Marking for Metal with 32-bit Motherboard LaserGRBL(LightBurn), 400x430mm Large Engraving Area (20w) 4.2 out of 5 stars 310. Nous proposons la gravure laser sur métal, plastique, et pièces industrielles. Find out more about cleaning speeds for metals contaminants here. That’s why you should rely on recognized laser expertise for your laser markers. Idéale pour la gestion d'incrémentations et de champs variables telle que les plaques constructeurs. Stainless steel parts: Fuel tanks, exhausts, suspensions, and other automotive parts. Lasergravur auf beschichtetem Metall kann verschiedene Resultate erziehlen, entscheidend durch die Beschichtung und das Metall. Procedeul de gravare metal cu laser ofera o solutie precisa pentru a se obtine design-uri speciale prin gravare dintr-un anumit material. Verschieben wir indessen unseren Blick darauf, was fremde Betroffene zu dem Präparat zu berichten haben. QR code laser marking is still used in many applications. By adjusting those parameters, it’s possible to achieve a faster marking speed as well as a better contrast for your marks. Un laser peut travailler aussi bien sur des métaux "souples", tel que l'aluminium, que sur des alliages très durs et produire des marquages précis, très lisibles et cela avec un traitement laser ultra rapide. Which focus system is best for your application? The text, graphics or logo that is laser marked will last as long as the item it is marked on. Den Materialkatalog online ansehen. Please see example below of a few of the items we have laser marked for our customers in and around Berlin. Ouvrez les portes du plus beau magasin du Web ! Our fiber laser machines are designed by engineers and laser experts who make sure they comply with international safety standards as well as with any applicable local standards. Your metal part is thus at the core of choosing the right fiber laser machine for your application. However, the marking or engraving speed can be increased by creating white marks instead of black ones. … Laser annealing is used to avoid any damage to the part surface. Fügen Sie diesem Element eigenen HTML-Code hinzu. Ergonomie Le design de la machine maximise le confort de l'utilisateur : l'ouverture frontale rend l'accès pratique et permet de charger les pièces par l'avant et de les ajuster sans effort. Zinc is not only used for its corrosion resistance, but also for its ability to be die casted. It does so with a chemical reaction that creates marks under the material’s surface. Gravur & Schneiden von Papier/Karton Gravur auf Glas & Kristall Gravur auf Stein Gravierte Stempel Acryl, Plexiglas®, PMMA Personalisieren ... Metall - Laser/CNC Metall - Für Laser und Graviermaschine.