The Germany Scholarship consists of a monthly sponsorship in the amount of 300 Euro. Germanistik: unterteilt in 3 Institute: Germanistik und Kunstwissenschaften. UNI-MARBURG. The Philipps University of Marburg (German: Philipps-Universität Marburg) was founded in 1527 by Philip I, Landgrave of Hesse, which makes it one of Germany's oldest universities and the oldest still operating Protestant university in the world. Specifically the Erasmus office offers various facilities and it welcomes Erasmus incoming students, offers assistance in preparing their study programmes, as well as in social integration matters, and providing counseling not only to incoming, but also to outgoing students of Erasmus+/ECTS programme. OkWhat are the tutors like? Kontakt & … I am an easy going person, helpful and funny. Contact Details: : Notes: Notes: Signatures of the Institutions (Legal Representatives) Name, function details; Hacettepe University Phillips-Universitat Marburg; EU Office Hacettepe University . Michelle Reich., Gütesiegel Familienfreundliche Hochschule Land Hessen. Erasmus-Hochschulkooperationen der Philipps-Universität Marburg. Number of mobilties: 4 Mobility for one semster (5 months) Timeframe of mobilties: First Semester 2020/2021. The scholarship is initially paid for a year and can in accordance with academic performance, be extended to the length of standard course of study. +39 011 6704425; Fax +39 011 2361017; e-mail; Pagina 2 di 6 B. Mobility numbers per academic year The partners … Rate different characteristics and let us know about your experience. The Philipps University of Marburg is located in Marburg Germany. Biegenstraße 10 Deutschhausstraße 3 Hi, My name is Amr and Im looking for a place to stay in Marburg since I am attending a training course at the university of Marburg hospital starting on the 1st of January 2015. The Philipps University of Marburg (German: Philipps-Universität Marburg) was founded in 1527 by Philip I, Landgrave of Hesse, which makes it one of Germany's oldest universities and the oldest still operating Protestant university in the world. Erasmus + Students Mobility to Philipps-Universität Marburg (Germany) Type of mobility: BA/ MA Level Number of mobilities 4 Mobilities for one semester (5 months) Time Frame of mobilities: First Semester 2020/2021 Study Field: Check the university's fact sheet. UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI TORINO DIREZIONE STUDENTI E SERVIZI WEB Via Po, 31 - 10124 Torino _____ Settore Mobilità Internazionale; Tel. 200 Partneruniversitäten in 25 Ländern. Uni: Be the first to share an experience in Philipps-Universität Marburg! +49 6421 28-22500 Né(e) à Gießen. 3, room A-105 (-1/1050) Contact Address: Philipps Universität Marburg FB09 Germanistik und Kunstwissenschaften International Studies / ERASMUS Deutschhausstraße 3 35032 Marburg. Studied at Indian Institute of Science Education and Research. Institute of Political Science & International Relations 2 9 mois IELTS 5.5 Tel. E-mail: Erasmus+ Partner Countries Enkhsaruul Batbaatar Tel: +49 (0) 6421 28 26404 E-mail : Erasmus+ Staff Mobility, Inter-Institutional Agreements Ann-Kathrin Zeitz Tel: +49 (0) 6421 28 26445 E-mail : ann-kathrin.zeitz@verwaltung.uni- . University (International Offices of the Home University) • Nominated staff members will receive all further information from the International Office/ERASMUS Office of Philipps-Universität Marburg * Mobility possibilities depend on the Departments of Philipps-Universität as well! Welcome to the information website for Erasmus+ Incoming students! In the city of Marburg, which is located on the banks of the Lahn River and has a population of almost 80,000 inhabitants, practically everything revolves around the university with its almost 18,500 students and 7,500 employees. Vit actuellement à Gießen. Upload photos of Philipps-Universität Marburg! First university in Spain in QS World University Ranking 2018/2019, and one of the 200 best universities around the world. Exchange Studies / ERASMUS Welcome to the Faculty of German Studies and Arts (Fachbereich 09)! Contact & Service. Explications les universités en gras = l'accord sur le nombre de places est assuré les autres universités = en cours de négociation - les universités reservées aux "honneurs" Vit actuellement à Gießen. You and your home institution's Erasmus coordinator must sign it and send it to our European Office. Philipps-Universität Marburg Biegenstraße 10 35037 Marburg +49 6421 28-20 Studifon +49 6421 28-22222 +49 6421 28-22500 . … Öğretim Dili: Önerilen düzey: Sertifika talep ediliyor mu? I plan my stay in Marburg as a chemistry intern at the institute of Medicinal chemistry and Pathobiochemistry. Please read the following instructions carefully! Deadline for applications:July 15th (Fall/Winter) and January 15th (Spring/Summer) In addition to your online application, you have to upload several documents, e.g… It is now a public university of the state of Hesse, without religious affiliation. It is ranked #651-700 in QS Global World University Rankings 2021. Kontakt email: Within the structure of the Germany Scholarship Programme, the Philipps University in Marburg awards scholarships to exceptionally talented new and current students. BBB/ Phone office hour: **** Tue and Wed 11 - 12:30 ****(+49 (0)6421-28-24575)For a time slot in the BBB-office hour please sent a short message to my email. Germanistische Sprachwissenschaft. 35037 University Departments, Institutions, Administration, Contact & Service International International Study and Research: Networks, Programs, Services Zurückblättern Vorblättern. (Erasmus Studies.) Marburg is well known for its numerous examples of well-preserved gothic architecture dating as far back to the 1600s, one of such is the castle on the hill overlooking the town. A une bourse Lodz 2019 / 2020 à l'université Uniwersytet Lódzki. 3, room A-105 (-1/1050) Contact Address: Philipps Universität Marburg FB09 Germanistik und Kunstwissenschaften International Studies / ERASMUS Deutschhausstraße 3 35032 Marburg. Departmental Erasmus Coordinator: Erasmus-Fachbereichskoordination: Dr. Ulrike Bieker / Markus Weber 04 Psychologie / Psychology erasmus : Web - Adres: Telefon: Faks: Dil Becerileri. UNI-MARBURG. Departmental Erasmus Coordinator: Erasmus-Fachbereichskoordination: Dr. Ulrike Bieker / Markus Weber 04 Psychologie / Psychology Les démarches s’effectuent auprès du Service des Relations Internationales de l'UFR ALL-Nancy ( ) en lien avec la Direction des Relations Internationales et Européennes et la mission handicap de l'Université de Lorraine. +49 6421 28-22500 Erasmus+ at the University of Vienna. Évaluez les différentes caractéristiques et donnez votre opinion. Okay to goodAre the lessons easy in... 0 0 by Stafri in Erasmus experiences UNI-MARBURG , 2 months ago Erasmus photos UNI-MARBURG. ERASMUS+ Mobility with Partner Countries Application and Registration Academic Recognition Discover. Svi dokumenti moraju biti dostavljeni na engleskom jeziku, potpisani i skenirani u PDF formatu sa jasno naznačenim nazivom svakog dokumenta na engleskom jeziku i imenom i prezimenom kandidata (pr. Advocate of a New Christianity. While students at Marburg University experience first rate research and teaching, they also enjoy a peaceful environment. Die Philipps-Universität Marburg hat Erasmus+-Kooperationen mit Hochschulen in 27 Staaten Europas, außerdem Kooperationsvereinbarungen mit der Schweiz. Study Field: Check the university's fact sheet. Hapet Thirrja për Bursa në Programin Erasmus+ në Philipps-Universität Marburg, GjermaniUniversiteti i Prishtinës ‘’Hasan Prishtina’’ hap thirrjen për aplikim për bursa për semestrin veror për mobilitete në Philipps-Universität Marburg, Gjermani, në kuadër të programit Erasmus +. Deutsche Philologie des Mittelalters Erasmus experiences Philipps-Universität Marburg. Generally, what is University of Marburg like?, Philipps-Universität Marburg Not bad, Erasmus coordinators should be more active. Erasmus photos Philipps-Universität Marburg. Currently lives in Mohali. UNI-GIESSEN. Philipps-Universität Marburg Biegenstraße 10 35037 Marburg +49 6421 28-20 Studifon +49 6421 28-22222 +49 6421 28-22500 . Deadline: April 01, 2020. Within the application you'll find registration forms for the pre-semester language courses and reserving a student room in one of our student halls. We are glad that you've decided to study in Marburg and will be happy to help you with any study related issues (course selection and enrollment, learning agreement, exam registration, ECTS, etc.) Please note that some agreements are subject specific and you should consult the detailed list for subject areas. UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI TORINO DIREZIONE STUDENTI E SERVIZI WEB Via Po, 31 - 10124 Torino _____ Settore Mobilità Internazionale; Tel. Studifon +49 6421 28-22222 If you are a native, traveller or an exchange student... share your opinion! Philipps-Universität Marburg Recherche. Photos. Does the University organise activities? Prijave dostaviti putem e-maila: sa napomenom PRIJAVA ZA ERASMUS+ MARBURG. Erasmus+ Online Application and Management System - Internatinal Relations Office - Anadolu University Erasmus+ Online Başvuru ve Yönetim Sistemi - Uluslararası İlişkiler Birimi - Anadolu Üniversitesi 35032 Marburg, +49 6421 28-25913 9 Division of Neonatology, Erasmus MC Sophia Children's Hospital, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Both authors contributed equally. Mail: Office: Deutschhausstr. The town and university are closely intermingled. 153264292X (pbk.) Search. Marburg, +49 6421 28-20 Please see the regulations of the Philipps-Universität Marburg. Campus of International Excellence UAM + CSIC: environment of international prestige, with high levels of research, teaching and quality. A étudié à Universität Giessen. Not bad, Erasmus coordinators should be more active. Especially those from FB 09/10What are the facilities like? Expériences. Möglichkeit zur Teilnahme an kostenfreien Erasmus Online-Sprachkursen; Die Philipps-Universität Marburg bietet Ihnen mehr als 400 Partnerschaften mit ca. Institute for European Studies 2 9 mois IELTS 5.5 2. before and during your exchange period. 10 Universities of Giessen and Marburg Lung Center (UGMLC), Member of the German Center for Lung Research, Giessen, Germany Both authors contributed equally Search. Okay to good. If you have photos of typical places, university campus, sights, landscapes, gastronomy, people, parties, etc... Upload your photos! Deadline: April 01, 2020. Marburg (Angela Sanmann Graf) 1 Platz > für Romanisten! Erasmus+ worldwide; Breadcrumb-Navigation. erasmus+ nË philipps-universitÄt marburg, gjermani 06 nëntor @ 09:32 Hapet Thirrja për Bursa në Programin Erasmus+ në Philipps-Universität Marburg, GjermaniUniversiteti i Prishtinës ‘’Hasan Prishtina’’ hap thirrjen për aplikim për bursa për semestrin veror për mobilitete në Philipps-Universität Marburg, Gjermani, në kuadër të programit Erasmus +. Recherche. For questions concerning the organization of your stay (application, admission, registration, housing, visa, orientation programm or ERASMUS exchange in general, please contact our colleagues at the International Office: incoming ERASMUS studentsMail: erasmus-incoming@uni-marburg.deincoming overseas / freemover studentsMail:, FB 09 | German Studies and Arts University Highlights . A étudié à Universität Giessen. Eugene, Oregon : Wipf & Stock, 2017. isbn. Anonymity and overcrowded lecture halls are uncommon at Philipps-Universität. And also they are very inconvenient. Erasmus + Students Mobility to Philipps-Universität Marburg (Germany) Type of mobility: BA/ MA Level. Born in Hyderabad. Deadline: April 01, 2020 Students will be offered the following scholarship: Flight ticket 530 Euros, monthly At Philipps Universitat Marburg(D MARBURG01) has infrastructures to host students and staff with disabilities (accommodation,classroom access,etc. UNI-MARBURG. Be the first one in sharing photos of Philipps-Universität Marburg! Hapet Thirrja për Bursa në Programin Erasmus+ në Philipps-Universität Marburg, Gjermani Universiteti i Prishtinës ‘’Hasan Prishtina’’ hap thirrjen për aplikim për bursa për semestrin veror për mobilitete në Philipps-Universität Marburg, Gjermani, në kuadër të programit Erasmus +. Christine Christ-von Wedel, Erasmus of Rotterdam. Hapet Thirrja për Bursa në Programin Erasmus+ në Philipps-Universität Marburg, Gjermani Universiteti i Prishtinës ‘’Hasan Prishtina’’ hap thirrjen për aplikim për bursa për semestrin veror për mobilitete në Philipps-Universität Marburg, Gjermani, në kuadër të programit Erasmus +. Erasmus University College Archaeology and History of Art, Business Administration, Chemical & Biological Engineering, Chemistry, Economics, English & Comparative Literature, History, Media and Visual Arts, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology Ok. What are the tutors like? 1. Kusha Sameeha Malpath., christina.bohle@verwaltung.uni-marb +49 (0)6421 2826226 +49 (0)6421 2826227 2014-2021. Erasmus University Rotterdam is a highly ranked, international research university, based in the dynamic and diverse city of Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Students. 11+13, D-35037 Marburg Tel. What are the facilities like? JAGIELLONIAN (KRAKOW) 1. 35037 +49 (0)6421-28-24575 Fax: +49 (0)6421-28-27056 Mail: eva.sourjikova@staff.uni-marburg.deOffice: Deutschhausstr. Soyez le premier à partager une expérience sur Philipps-Universität Marburg! Étudiants. Contact., Gütesiegel Familienfreundliche Hochschule Land Hessen, the regulations of the Philipps-Universität Marburg., christina.bohle@verwaltung.uni-marb +49 (0)6421 2826226 +49 (0)6421 2826227 2014-2021. Especially those from FB 09/10. Office/ERASMUS Office of Philipps-Universität Marburg The selection of participants, as well as the procedure for awarding them a grant, must be fair, transparent and documented. Experiences. UNI-MARBURG. 11+13, D-35037 Marburg Tel. Planz Schnellsuche Philipps-Universität Marburg - International Office, Deutschhausstr. Full legal name of institution Philipps-Universität Marburg ERASMUS ID code PIC (Participant Identification Code) Institution number (for export to the Mobility-Tool+) D MARBURG01 999848938 001829-ORG-00001 Mailing Address Philipps-Universität Marburg International Office - European Office It is now a public university of the state of Hesse, without religious affiliation. Within the Erasmus+ programme, students from Erasmus+ partner universities are entitled to study at the University of Vienna for one or two semesters. At Philipps Universitat Marburg(D MARBURG01) has infrastructures to host students and staff with disabilities (accommodation,classroom access,etc. cosy rooms in Studentendorf with common kitchen and bathroom on the floor, international atmosphere and lots of fun. Philipps-Universität Marburg „Other towns have a university, Marburg is a university“ • Founded in 1527 • Almost all scientific disciplines, with the Studifon +49 6421 28-22222 Has a scholarship Marburg 2019 / 2020 at university Philipps-Universität Marburg. Erasmus + Students Mobility to Philipps-Universität Marburg (Germany) Type of mobility: BA/ MA Level. Étudiants Erasmus Universität Giessen. FAQ Studentenwerk CEFR Back Forward. +39 011 6704425; Fax +39 011 2361017; e-mail; Pagina 2 di 6 B. Mobility numbers per academic year The partners … Study Field: Check the university's fact sheet. Home; Studying; Studying at UMR; Exchange & Study Abroad; Erasmus+ worldwide; Erasmus+ worldwide . Erasmus students Philipps-Universität Marburg. Erasmus Marburg 2018 / 2019 (English) Hello, my name is Georgia and I come from Greece, particularly from thessaloniki. Contact details Philipps-Universität Marburg. Erasmus Marburg. SMS; Hacettepe Üniversitesi Phillips-Universitat Marburg # Öğretim Dili: Önerilen düzey: Sertifika talep ediliyor mu? Marburg, +49 6421 28-20 Marburg is situated in the Hessen region, not far away from the glorious city of Frankfurt. Die Partnerschaften sind auf die einzelnen Fachbereiche und/oder Studiengänge bezogen. 3, room A-105 (-1/1050)Contact Address:Philipps Universität MarburgFB09 Germanistik und KunstwissenschaftenInternational Studies / ERASMUSDeutschhausstraße 335032 Marburg. I like sports and reading. Erasmus+ mobility programmes What is it about? Erasmus Marburg. Philipps-Universitaet Marburg International Relations Office Biegenstr. Philipps-Universität Marburg Biegenstraße 10 35037 Marburg +49 6421 28-20 Studifon +49 6421 28-22222 +49 6421 28-22500 . • discuss about improving the quality of the mobility experience of students • discuss about relevant competencies and skills of staff members working with student mobility • network and share experiences with participants from all over the world • expand your intercultural competence Si vous connaissez ce lieu en tant que natif, voyageur ou étudiant d'un programme de mobilité... partagez votre expérience ! Search. Expérience Erasmus Philipps-Universität Marburg. It depends on how motivated you are. Mail: Office: Deutschhausstr. If you have any questions, concerns, or troubles during your Erasmus stay at Marburg, please do not hesitate to contact the university’s International Office. Emel Şenay . Born in Istanbul. Contact & Service. Be seen by many travelers. Are the lessons easy in University of Marburg? And also they are very inconvenient. Ann-Katrin Iberla. : Transcript, … Complete and print the online application. RANKINGS; Philipps-Universität Marburg is one of the top Public universities in Marburg, Germany. +49 6421 28-27056 Biegenstraße 10 Currently lives in Istanbul. Wide offer, and continuously increasing, of courses taught in English. At Philipps Universitat Marburg(D MARBURG01) has infrastructures to host students and staff with disabilities (accommodation,classroom access,etc. Generally, what is University of Marburg like? Toronto/Buffalo/London, University of Toronto Press 2013 Christoph Galle 1 1 Philipps−Universität Marburg, FB Ev. Planz Schnellsuche Philipps-Universität Marburg - International Office, Deutschhausstr. Theologie, Marburg Christoph Galle. Number of mobilties: 4 Mobility for one semster (5 months) Timeframe of mobilties: First Semester 2020/2021. Semester/Term Dates (lecture time): Autumn: mid-October … Des fonds complémentaires sont également proposés, dans le cadre du programme ERASMUS +, aux étudiants en situation de handicap.