The strong tradition of interpolations and changes gives the director a license to challenge the »holy inviolable text« (a status accorded to so many of Shakespeare’s creations). In the Schaubühne’s case, there is a new prose translation by playwright Marius von Mayenburg. Read More. 3 SALISBURY ROAD, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong. You can say: this is evil; it’s fascism. »Richard has very evil aims, to become the King«, says Thomas, »But he has to put on the role of somebody who is only interested in God, and in the wellbeing of the King, of the Kingdom, of England. Accès illimité à l'intégralité des textes et médias de l'Encyclopedie Universalis pour comprendre et apprendre. I try to find out while rehearsing what might be most convincing. This article is available to Limelight subscribers. and 30 min. Performance & Event Venue. »Tough rehearsal?« I ask. Wir bitten Sie deshalb, Kartenrückgaben ausschließlich per Mail, per Telefon oder schriftlich vorzunehmen. Thomas has me sit in seats located below, above, and at eye level with the stage. The character of Richard III, like Shakespeare, uses careful rhetoric as a strategy for advancement and then survival. And that is frightening. sind gerade für Ihre Wunschvorstellung wieder Karten freigeworden. If you go for the rhyme in the end, it’s even worse. Richard III is a play by William Shakespeare.It was probably written around 1593. Because Shakespeare is more intelligent than I am, and I trust he will provide me with the answers through three-dimensional thinking – which is theatre«. Abonnement : 2 mois offerts. But I could not possibly imagine an Ostermeier production in historical costume. »When you stand here, there are no more questions«, says Thomas. The preview for the Schaubühne’s production of Richard III was so creepy and so lurid that you could almost smell the reek of greasepaint even as you tasted the blood. 2 Tage (Freunde) vorher erwerben.Zum Login für Freundeskreismitglieder. . Encyclopédie Universalis pour les particuliers met la connaissance à la portée de tous. Für das Ausdrucken und Bereitstellen von im Webshop gekauften Karten zur Abholung an der Kasse erheben wir ab dem 1. Genieten bij Richard III Zoals Richard III al tijdens de maaltijd, geserveerd op het podium, zegt: we moeten genieten van dit legendarische stuk. You can see everyone«. »For me, this is a basic question of Shakespeare’s writing: »who’s there?» in the sense of »who are we? »Richard III« ist eines der frühesten Stücke Shakespeares, uraufgeführt um 1593. »Danke Deutschland – Cảm ơn nước Đức« at the Schaubühne. At the same time, you are challenged by the task of being careful in not showing he is evil, or else you will never succeed«. Closing Date: Oct. 14, 2017 Brooklyn Academy of Music - … One can easily think of Richard as a nihilistic figure, a rebel without a cause perhaps, in a constant state of discontentment. Ostermeier tells me, »A lot of British directors who are friends of mine envy us for the necessity of having to translate Shakespeare because then you can create a new world. Dec 29, 2016 at 7:45 PM – Dec 31, 2016 at 5:00 PM UTC+08. It is labelled a history in the First Folio, and is usually considered one, but it is sometimes called a tragedy, as in the quarto edition. Shakespeare was part of a Catholic family in Elizabethan times, when it was forbidden and you could be sentenced to death. Opinion . Confinée, la Schaubühne de Berlin se met en scène sur les réseaux sociaux. »Everything is organic: the walls, the ground: it’s all clay«. Who identifies with a fascist? The problem of cutting material then becomes one of dramaturgy: how to make a play with so many holes remain dramatically intelligible? More contemporary examples include Kevin Spacey, who played Richard in 2012 (directed by Sam Mendes) shortly before appearing in House of Cards, a series modeled closely on the play’s single-minded pursuit of power, complete with long soliloquies and asides to the camera. Richard is a deformed, hobbling, hunchbacked cripple who has helped his brother Edward to become King with a few judicious murders. Die Abendkasse ist ab einer Stunde vor der Vorstellung bis zum Vorstellungsbeginn geöffnet. Es besteht die Möglichkeit, Ihren Wunschplatz im Saalplan selbst auszuwählen. Enslaved by his atypical physicality, he has an insatiable need to antagonise and annihilate, but to what end, we can only speculate. BE FIRST JOIN . Richard is the consummate player, well aware of his rhetorical trickery to deceive his opponents, such as in the scenes of self-presentations of piety before the burghers of London. But what more does a well acted Richard achieve other than »proving to be a villain«? Ian McKellen speelt met zichtbaar plezier de samenzwerende, sadistische, fourth-wall-doorbrekende, zich een weg door de adel moordende Richard. clock. My very first question for Thomas Ostermeier was: »Why did you choose such a play that is so notoriously difficult to perform?’ He did it because he had a Richard. This task of balancing intentions and self-presentation has, of course, a distinguished history, taken up by many famous past Richards. Richard III. Shakespeare Explains the 2016 Election. It might in fact be one of the great attractions of the play: the opportunity to remake it. I don’t know what my Richard should be like before entering. Watch “Zeppelin” Trailer, Schaubühne Berlin. Online gekaufte Karten können wir Ihnen als E-Ticket zusenden, dieses können Sie direkt in die Wallet auf Ihrem iOS/Android Smartphone speichern oder auch als PDF zu Hause ausdrucken, so dass eventuelle Versandkosten oder Wartezeiten an der Kasse entfallen. »Why prose?« I ask, and Thomas replies, »Because English has fewer syllables for a word than German. Mitglieder der Freunde der Schaubühne können ihre Karten schon drei Tage (Förderer) bzw. Richard the III, Trump, and the uncanny foresight of the Bard. Thomas Ostermeier tells me, »I usually try to answer questions I have about a play in the rehearsal room. About the podcast . Karten; Auf Deutsch. Hong Kong Cultural Centre Grand Theatre. Photograph: Arno Declair Schaubühne production of Richard III by William Shakespeare, directed by Thomas Ostermeier The world’s coolest theatre is streaming plays for free . Playing his rivals off against each other, and gleefully killing again, he … More than a year ago. It is a spare, set, without pomp, but with the addition of video projection on the balconied wall, it is a tower of death and ravens, a battlefield (lots of blood) and a royal palace (gilded confetti poppers.) The Director Ostermeier tackles this Shakespeare's renowned play in a new translation by von Mayenburg that changes English verses into German prose to … Sa carrière berlinoise commence en 1996, lorsqu'il se voit confier un espace par le Deutsches Theater Schaubühne Berlin / Thomas Ostermeier. But he did have a Richard. Restkarten an der Abendkasse. Vstupenky a informace o nadcházejícím představení. Although Richard III preceded the related tetralogy of Henry VI plays, and stands very much on its own, it still assumes a visceral knowledge of the War of the Roses between the Houses of York and Lancaster. A podcast about modern Shakespeare productions of stage and screen. He has created an explosive Richard III.In German – … The company in residence at the Schaubühne theatre in Berlin bring to Hong Kong an alternative take on Shakespeare's classic Richard III. Hij was de vierde en jongste zoon van Richard, hertog van York en Cecily Neville Jeugd. The question is: »Would Richard exist if the world around him weren’t ready for him?« Let’s not ignore it, because if we ignore it, it risks going into a corner where all of a sudden, like a monster, it comes back much bigger than if we truthfully deal with it. Richard the III, Trump, and the uncanny foresight of the Bard. Vorverkaufsbeginn ist jeweils am 1. eines Monats für den Folgemonat zu den regulären Kassenzeiten. So what interests me then is the theatrical: to provide an actor with the task of playing his own opposite. Without such entertainments, the play demands not just pruning, but a hacking down to size. Schaubühne Berlin’s production of Richard III, Oct 11––14 “Lars Eidinger stars as a mesmerising, rapping, swearing Richard; an outsider who seizes centre stage with relish, caressing his microphone like a rock star gone to seed.” –The Guardian Bloomberg Philanthropies is the Season Sponsor Richard III … Meet fellow BAM members over a glass of wine. RELATED EVENTS Wed, Oct 11, 2017. 27/04/20 13h18 . Access our paywalled content and archive of magazines, regular news and features for the limited offer of $3 per month. From below, they seem like Gods, from above you might pity them. When I meet Ostermeier, in his office, the Artistic Director of the Schaubühne is holding his head in his hands and has closed his eyes. The Schaubühne actor reflects on the relevance of Shakespeare’s infamous self-made king. »You will have to come twice«, says Thomas. Der Andrang auf einige Vorstellungen unseres Repertoires ist sehr groß, dennoch sind immer mal wieder Tickets verfügbar. Hated the Schaubühne Hamlet (same lead actor, same director as this latest Shakespeare auf Deutsch); loved Ivo van Hove's Toneelgroep Kings of War, with Hans Kesting's Richard III on the highest level alongside the Henrys V and VI.Thomas Ostermeier's Berlin ensemble is nowhere near as vivid overall as van Hove's Dutch team, but everything that didn't work for me about Lars Eidinger's … You feel alternatively powerful or diminished in relation to the actors, but always intimate, often close enough to hear them breathe. But sometimes I envy you writers. Saved by Edinburgh International Festival. When you hear about Richard, you think this is a play about evil, about the most evil character we know in dramatic literature. Richard III (Fotheringhay, 2 oktober 1452 – Market Bosworth, 22 augustus 1485) was koning van Engeland van 1483 tot 1485. My prejudice, of course, as a historian, was that at some level a historical space might necessitate a historical style. Richard III. Reviewed on March 4, 2017. by Clive Paget on March 5, 2017 | Thomas Ostermeier has never been one to embrace the rulebook. Richard III, written ca. Galas & Events. Ausverkauft, ggf. Ostermeier shows me a picture of his plans for Lars Eidinger, and he looks ugly enough to have been recently unearthed. Thomas Ostermeier’s Schaubühne production of Richard III is at the Lyceum, Edinburgh, 24-28 August, as part of the Edinburgh international festival; Topics. +++ Karten für »Richard III.« und »Professor Bernhardi« +++ Wir konnten gerade einige Karten (bis zu 20 pro Vorstellung!) Performed in German with English subtitles. The story of terror becomes divorced from the complexities, which, unwieldy, nonetheless provide context. In each regular episode, a panel of guests discusses one more productions of Shakespeare's plays, usually either adapted for the screen or filmed live at the theatre. The evil character in Richard III has always been preferred by directors, including Thomas Ostermeier, the artistic director of Schaubühne Berlin, a stronghold in the German theatrical circle. Découvrez les dates de représentation de Thomas Ostermeier. Die Schaubühne ist ein Theater in Berlin. Karin Veraart 28 september 2015, 2:00 Roland Haufe als Richard III. Son récit est celui de la fin de la guerre civile dite des Deux Roses qui déchira l'Angleterre de 1454 à 1485. Après des études de mise en scène à Berlin dans les années 1980, Thomas Ostermeier se fait connaître en devenant le directeur artistique de la Baracke, scène associée au Deutsches Theater entre 1996 et 1999. Richard III. The Schaubühne’s Richard III and a Floating Palais headline an “every one’s a winner” festival. The German director has yet another advantage. I don’t know what my Richard should be like before entering. Dezember 2020 bis 3. Richard III (Engelse titel: The Tragedy of Richard the Third) is een omstreeks 1595, mogelijk reeds in 1592 geschreven historiestuk van William Shakespeare over de corrupte, sadistische Richard III van Engeland die na de troonsbestijging van zijn oudere broer Eduard alles in het werk stelt om de koningskroon voor zichzelf op te eisen. BE FIRST JOIN . In this episode, we discuss the Schaubühne Berlin's recorded productions of Hamlet and Richard III, both directed by Thomas Ostermeier and starring Lars … »What is the back of the stage made of? Feet planted on the sloping stage to the half-barreled galleries, it’s immediately clear that there is a simple reason why this space needed to be built: because it is the style of theatre for which Shakespeare wrote his plays. Fällt der Erste des Monats auf einen Sonn- oder Feiertag, beginnt der Vorverkauf am Folgetag. For this reason, I want to celebrate evil on stage«. Er war gut genug, für seinen Bruder, König Edward (Thomas Bading) die Schmutzarbeit auf dem Weg zur Macht zu machen. The productions are in German with En By Henrik Ibsen, version by Florian Borchmeyer Direction by Thomas Ostermeier.