FluentU brings native videos within reach with interactive subtitles. 15. Gebongt sein In German a Bon (pronounced “bong”) is the receipt you get after making a purchase. Na, alles klar? ), Er sagt, dass ich schuld bin? “Bock haben” means to be “in the mood for” or “up for” something. ), Und das mir keiner aus der Reihe tanzt! What can we do better? 4. It can used to express surprise, informally greet someone or... 2. If I could make something to help you right now, what would it be? You’ve now got access to my most effective [level] Russian tips…, Perfect! If something is gebongt, it means it is booked, decided, or agreed upon. FluentU is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Having a few common German phrases will make you experience these countries in a completely different way. Just like in real life, there is a fine line between the two. If asked in the aforementioned fashion, common replies are either “nicht viel” (not much), “alles gut” (everything is fine) or “einiges” (a lot). And FluentU isn't just for watching videos. “After I started to use your ideas, I learn better, for longer, with more passion. Haare auf den Zähnen haben Germans don’t have a ‘sharp tongue’, instead they have ‘hair on their teeth’. Since slang is ever-changing, in this lesson we will omit the newest words and trends and try to include words and phrases that have been around for a while and are likely to stay. “ Krasse Musik!” “Krasses Essen!”. Here’s a quick look at 12 German phrases that are so wonderfully weird we should all be using them. These German phrases should come in handy when hunting for the perfect gift to give to a friend (or to yourself) or when shopping at the supermarket. In German, if something suits really well, it “fits like an ass on the bucket” (Wie Arsch auf Eimer). Click ‘start now’ and complete this short survey to find the perfect course for you! To hear many of these phrases used in context by native German speakers, try FluentU. Where shall I send the tips and your PDF? — A lot. — Hey, and you?). If you meet up with someone and he/she says 'Was geht ab?' The best part is that FluentU keeps track of the vocabulary that you're learning, and gives you extra practice with difficult words. We hate SPAM and promise to keep your email address safe, Get regular language learning tips, resources and updates, starting with the "Complete Guide to Foreign Language Immersion" e-book, Sign up for our weekly blog newsletter for a chance to win a free FluentU Plus subscription (value $240), 5 Incredible Movies to Learn German That You Can Stream Now with Subtitles, 34 Essential German Vocabulary Words for Summer, Dive In! Swiss German is a group of varied German dialects, spoken from behind the Rostigraben in Switzerland. What to say when and how? Today “Bock haben” is a common way of expressing your inclination or disinclination for doing something. Sometimes we lack in motivation, be it for our work, chores – and even our language learning. Learn some German slang phrases and expressions to help your German sound more natural. How to generate a full-time income from home with your English… even with ZERO previous teaching experience. — Ok, ist gebongt. We also participate in other affiliate advertising programs for products and services we believe in. © 2021 Enux Education Limited. Learning English becomes fun and easy when you learn with movie trailers, music videos, news and inspiring talks. (Boy, am I angry at him for last week!). Unfortunately, no. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc, or its affiliates. (We are both tired so we will rather go for something relaxing tonight.). Therefore, in common parlance the verb bongen refers to ringing something up on a register (literally putting something onto a Bon), thereby settling the transaction. As to why the loss of dishes or colorful glass balls signifies a deterioration of your senses, beats me. “Auf dicke Hose machen” is therefore used to describe those who feign that their money pouch takes up more space than it really does. Another common German swear word with the same effect is Zicke. German idioms are a constant source of hilarity, especially when directly translated into English. These German phrases will have you laughing for less stressful reasons. You’ve now got access to my most effective [level] Spanish tips…. Start using the FluentU website on your computer or tablet or, better yet, download the FluentU app from the iTunes or Google Play stores. (He likes to do things a little different than everyone else. It's using the right content and tools, like FluentU has to offer! — Ok, I will.). Brazilian Portuguese speakers will use slang words and phrases as well as idioms that European Portuguese speakers might be unfamiliar with. Common German Phrases It's always a good idea to have a handy arsenal of friendly expressions and phrases that you can use to keep the conversation flowing. The 9 Best Websites to Learn German Through Immersion Online, Want Online German Lessons? Check it out with the free trial, and keep your ears and eyes open for the phrases in this list. “Na? If you are looking for German swear words, curse words and insults, then this is a great place to start! If you want to emphasize the severity of your discontent, you might even speak of having your nose filled to the brim. It'll even remind you when it’s time to review what you’ve learned. Lesson 1: Meet Jens — Your German language tour guide. Get my best fluency-boosting, grammar-busting. “Na?” might be the shortest way of asking about someone’s well being in any language. Have no idea what I’m talking about? FluentU brings English to life with real-world videos. — Yes, you? We will protect your data in accordance with our data policy. And finally, you might replace “die Nase” with its less polite cousin, “die Schnauze”. In addition to a rich, fascinating history, it boasts a dictionary of perfectly descriptive words and phrases. ), Nach der Arbeit muss ich erstmal chillen. It's not slang, really, but one thing I learned in Germany — and which was never covered in my high school classes — is that you can get through just about any conversation with a native by saying „Genau.“ over and over and nodding your head. Ausgezeichnet Excellent. In English this word has authoritarian connotations. If you enjoyed these German phrases and want to learn some more you can check our 10 German phrases to make you sound local. You’ve now got access to my most effective [level] Japanese tips…, Perfect! Though Germans like to be organized, they do not in fact make everyone dance in a line at the club – no matter what others might be claiming. 20 Everyday German Slang Words (So You Sound Like A Native) 1. With interactive captions that give instant definitions, pronunciations and additional usage examples, plus fun quizzes and multimedia flashcards, FluentU is a complete learning package. True, Bavarians do speak Hochdeutsch as well since it is taught in schools, but as the bavarian dialect is the daily language of choice among Bavarians, you need to … — I … Guten Tag! (What’s happening? Sie muss immer aus der Reihen tanzen! Starting a new language can be challenging. If you see an interesting word you don't know, you can add it to a vocabulary list. Then it’s time to learn some German slang! Whether in English or German, Bastard is about bastards...and we’re not talking Jon Snow. Maybe German slang 'gets on your cookie' because you don't understand it yet – well don't worry, the following will introduce you to the most used German slang phrases. Top 10 German Slang phrases that are really popular. Then say the same sentence aloud in German. Perfect! (Download). There is a special intonation to it, so it might be best to ask a native speaker to teach you the correct way. Auf dicke Hose machen Literally, this phrase means, “To act as if you have fat pants.” It is used to describe someone... 2. 3. The phrases have been chosen to reflect modern, colloquial German usage. As a non-native speaker learning the language, I’ve found there’s a perfect phrase in German for just about every scenario. Every definition has examples that have been written to help you understand how the word is used. However, it is neither a way to describe someone with a headcold, nor a person with an expensive drug habit. Krass. If you can’t pull off “what’s up” in English, you should probably stay away from the German equivalent as well. It can describe a troublemaker, or someone who is simply doing their own thing. 2. ), Was geht ab? If you are living in Germany and want to fit in like a German local, there’s not better way than learning the local lingo. Have you lost your mind? To keep it simple, no one likes being called a pig or a swine. So, in honour of native speakers and German language students , I thought I’d share this extensive list of common German phrases that most native speakers use regularly but probably didn’t even realise were all that funny…until now. (After work I will have to chill first. 14. die Sau - Sow. Keep in mind that this is a very casual expression. Der hat doch nicht alle Tassen im Schrank! — Do you accept credit cards as well? Here are some German Slang Phrases for when you want to make people laugh, to give commands, for food and how to say something is cool in German.. Top 20 German phrases. 27. Leiwand (Austria) Prima Toll One really effective way to make your German sound more like a native’s is to learn Redensarten. However, it is just as well to use it without. Literally, this phrase means, “To act as if you have fat pants.” It is used to describe someone who is boasting, bragging or generally pretending to be better than they really are, especially when it comes to possessing money or wealth. Terms of Service & Privacy Policy. But if you learn basic German too, you'll be able to connect more with German speakers. If someone acts a bit dumb or slow, Germans call them an “ass violin” (Arschgeige). These are the everyday German sayings that German speakers use to express emotions, actions and thoughts. Zwielichtig Do you like the idea of learning through story? Hast Du auch Bock? Perfect! Learning German Slang. Some terms of endearment Phrases, slang and idioms to help grease the wheels of conversation! Ich habe die Nase voll von der lauten Musik. There are also many groups of German verbs to help you say and do whatever it is that you do. Wir wollen an den See fahren, eine Runde chillen. — Viel. Thanks for the life-change!” – Dallas Nesbit. Moin. #16 Sorry, aber ich verstehe nicht – I'm sorry, but I do not understand. — Gut, ist gebongt. These are the everyday German sayings that German speakers use to express emotions, actions and thoughts. “Eine Runde chillen” is an important part of the weekend activities for many younger Germans. Is that person just a socially awkward tableware enthusiast trying to make conversation? For more swearing and linguistics, check out my list of Australian Slang, Russian Swear Words, Italian Swear Words and French Swear Words! - Bastard! Learning a few useful German phrases is an excellent way to facilitate communication, show respect for the country you are visiting, and impress and delight any Germans you meet along the way. ), Er tanzt gerne etwas aus der Reihe. Ich hoffe, es geht euch gut! So we somehow agreed that Germany is worth visiting. Download: It shares the meaning of its anglophone counterpart: to hang out, rest, and generally take it easy. 36 German Slang Words & Phrases To Sound Like A Native In No Time Colloquial German Greetings. einen Kater haben > The German idiom to express the feeling of fatigue, dizziness, and headaches after an alcohol-filled night out is “to have a tomcat.” Das Haar in der Suppe suchen > This German expression is used to characterize people who are … Mach's gut! ), Wir sind beide müde, deswegen machen wir uns eher einen chilligen Abend. ), Na, Du? it means he/she is asking for your wellbeing or inquiring what's new. You’ve now got access to my most effective [level] [language] tips…, Perfect! You’ve now got access to my most effective [level] German tips…, Perfect! (There better be nobody getting out of line!). the photos reveal details of the indoor-climate technology that impact on the shape of the building, becoming part of the architectural design. 13. Bei mir ist derzeit einiges los. 12. You’ve now got access to my most effective [level] Cantonese tips…, Perfect! Learning the German sayings will help you sound more natural and conversational. Kann ich hier auch mit Kreditkarte bezahlen? (I’m so very fed up!). Introductions, personal pronouns, formal vs informal address, and the important verb "to be" 20 Motivational Sayings In German Posted by Constanze on Jul 31, 2017 in Language Guten Tag! This last phrase is used to describe someone who stands out by getting out of line or acting different from everyone else. Looking for world-class training material to help you make a breakthrough in your language learning? can take anywhere. Ursprache, Urtext; verboten, prohibited, forbidden, banned. ), Pass auf, dass Du den Alarm anstellst, bevor Du gehst. 1. (I’m sick of the loud music), Ich habe sowas von die Nase voll! In German a Bon (pronounced “bong”) is the receipt you get after making a purchase. kaput (German spelling: kaputt), out-of-order, broken, dead; nix, from German nix, dialectal variant of nichts (nothing) Scheiße, an expression and euphemism meaning "shit", usually as an interjection when something goes amiss; Ur- (German prefix), original or prototypical; e.g. Click here to get a copy. It is used as a greeting and to inquire after the other person’s wellbeing in a very informal way. The phrase can also be combined with other greetings (see “Na?”). German Swear Words and Insults. Because that’s exactly what this phrase is describing. FluentU takes real-world videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons. That’s why I’ve organised an impressive list of common German idioms with their literal translations plus their English equivalent. Flirting is an art, and like with any art, it can be mastered. (Hey, everything good? There are just as many ways to greet someone in German as there are in English. - Piss off Dr Schwiiz /Switzerland/ ChuChiChaschliLand. 7 Fab Sites That Are Serving ‘Em Up, Fool the Locals! … Instead of saying “what the hell!” when they are surprised, Germans will shout “shit on the wall!” (Scheiss die Wand an!) I can only imagine the confusion in your face if, while on a visit to Germany, a native strode up to you and asked if you still had all your cups in the cabinet. The barrier for any German learner or even Germans from other parts of Germany is das baierische Dialekt. You probably know them better as turns of phrase or idioms in English and you use them every day. The moment we are ready to finally say something, the person we want to talk to has either walked away or fell asleep! Therefore, in common... 3. This German slang phrase is the equivalent of the English idiom “two peas in a pod.” Although, this German phrase means something more along the lines of, “They seem like each-other like one egg resembles the others.” 9. These German phrases will serve as excellent “ice breakers”, especially when you are nervous about your first ventures into speaking German with native speakers. We use cookies to provide you the best experience on our website. 16 German Phrases to Learn for Oktoberfest. ), Paul macht auf dicke Hose und gibt eine Lokalrunde. Be aware, however, that “chillen” is not used in the sense of cooling or “to give someone the chills”. Where does this phrase come from? If you’re planning to be in Germany soon or you just want to show off some cool German words to your German friends, here are some slang words you should know and if you’re planning to go to Frankfurt, here’s some informations you may find useful from our City guide in Frankfurt. – Naaa?” is a complete conversation in which both parties have said hello and asked how life is going. See more ideas about learn german, german language, idioms. It’s meant to be said in a more casual manner, a lot like the German phrase “that’s all, folks!” or “that’s the end of the story”. Wir gehen heute Abend ins Kino. The German verb “chillen” comes from the English “to chill”. Warmduscher. This is why it’s important if you are going to be traveling to Brazil, you make sure that you specify to your online tutor that you want to learn Brazilian Portuguese. You’ve now got access to my most effective [level] Thai tips…. Many confused foreigners have found themselves under the expectant gaze of a German speaker after this well-meaning monosyllabic greeting. Basic phrases. You’ve now got access to my most effective [level] Korean tips…, Perfect! (Hi, how are you doing? (Don’t be such a braggart! The dialects are so varied that it is hard for some Swiss Germans not being able to understand another. But don’t worry, once the first one is done, you can usually just chill another round. Swipe left or right to see more examples of the word you're on. It’s the same as “Lust haben” (to have a lust for something), only in a more colloquial form. Der morgen schiss kommt ganz gewiss, auch wenn er erst am Abend ist Watching a fun video, but having trouble understanding it? This word (and the rest of the insults listed below) are part of a whole list of German synonyms for wimp called weicheiwörter, or "soft egg words." The “fat pants” refer to the bulge in one’s pocket made by a well-filled wallet. The winner of the hardest to understand dialect is Walliser German dialect, under consensus from other Swiss and other German speaking countries. Want to know the key to learning German effectively? (What’s up? But seriously, „Genau“ has be a top-20 word in German small talk. Wanna come? → This phrase works for pretty much any time of the day except for evenings. (We are going to the movies tonight. If you have any suggestions for new phrases or spot any mistakes, please let us know! This phrase literally means “to have your nose full”. Rather than simply learning words, you should learn how you can be conversational. If you don’t understand German slang, don’t fret; this guide to the most important phrases that you need to know. Here are ten German slang phrases that will give you instant street credibility in Germany. Home german Lessons german Stories Reviews. Likewise, many Germans tend to use the English swearwords “fuck” and “shit” instead of their German counterparts which can often be used in similar context. Anyway, enjoy practicing your German Swear Words out loud! Was geht ab? (A thousand bucks for a t-shirt? At the same time, don't hesitate to use these expressions to help the conversation run smoothly if you don't understand something or need a little help. ), Da habe ich überhaupt keinen Bock drauf. It is also completely possible to leave out any further description and use “Einen Hals auf jemanden haben.”, Ich krieg’ hier gleich ‘nen dicken Hals! If you liked this post, something tells me that you'll love FluentU, the best way to learn German with real-world videos. Tausend Euro für ein T-Shirt? a book is a book is a book. “Die Nase bis obenhin voll haben” states that you are entirely fed up with the situation. The best way to learn these is to read each sentence to yourself and immediately read the English equivalent. Hast Du nicht mehr alle Tassen im Schrank? Smiling, making eye contact and saying the right thing at the right time can make all the difference. — Not much. German Sayings. Aus der Reihe tanzen can be used in both a negative and a positive way. (We want to go to the lake and chill for a bit. And in German, there are a few phrases that use pigs and swines. You’ve now got access to my most effective [level] Italian tips…, Perfect! 10 German Slang Phrases to Sound Like a Native 1. Instead, the person is expressing doubt about your mental faculties. (I absolutely do not want to do that.). It’s an expression of anger, rage, and general annoyance. Perfect! (I’m getting so angry when I hear this stuff! (Make sure you switch the alarm on before you leave. You can tap on any word to look it up instantly. Emergencies. Interestingly, in German you often chill in rounds, though usually just one. What is your current level in [language]? Was geht ab? Plus how to speak New Zealand Slang! It is also entirely possible to have “null Bock,” when your enthusiasm is so low it arrives at zero. The origin of this saying is unclear. Since slang is ever-changing, in this lesson we will omit the newest words and trends and try to include words and phrases that have been around for a while and are likely to stay. 13. But before you ask yourself what is wrong with Germans and their metaphors, let me point out that it probably derives from the Romani word “bokh” which means hunger. Hopefully learning this list of German slang has made you feel more comfortable on the streets. You’ve now got access to my most effective [level] French tips…, I’ve written some simple emails explaining the techniques I’ve used to learn 8 languages…. (Paul acts like he has money to spend and buys drinks for the whole bar.). but this report on the activities of a company is three books in one: technical publication, documentary report and narrative tale. Germans don’t ‘commit a blunder’ – they ‘step in a bowl of grease’. How to Improve Your German Accent with Audio Clips, How to Hear Real German Conversations, Anywhere (with English Translations! It’s worth noting that “auf dicke Hose machen” is frequently used in combination with the accusative in the phrase “einen auf dicke Hose machen” (see examples below). Na? We've got many, many German insults for you to learn, some of them being common, and some of them being not-so-common German insults. 10 Incredible German Sayings: The Inspiring, the Funny and the Just Plain Confusing One really effective way to make your German sound more like a native’s is to learn Redensarten. You’ve now got access to my most effective [level] Chinese tips…. In this section you will find German phrases for use across a wide range of everyday situations. To express your intentions a little clearer, “Na?” can also be combined with other forms of greeting, like in “Na, alles gut?”, “Na, wie gehts?”, or the previously mentioned “Na, was geht ab?”. Where shall I send your Spanish Vocab Power Pack? What’s confusing about the phrase is that “Bock” is actually the German word for male goat. That’s a situation that most of us would probably be fed up with very quickly. ), Ich bekomme so einen Hals, wenn ich das höre! Tips for Learning German Phrases . It literally means to dance outside the line. It is a way to say both “hello” and “how are you doing?” in one. (He says it’s my fault? Du Bastard! All Rights Reserved. (In a second here, I’m gonna bust! There’s a lot going on with me right now.). It's designed to effectively teach you all the vocabulary from any video. The best way to learn these is to read each sentence to yourself and immediately read the English equivalent. And even at home, learning German will allow you to learn more about German culture and connect with native German speakers in your local community. I think he’s not right in the head!). Ich bin auf der Suche nach einer Mütze. If you continue to use this site we will assume you are happy with it. Your journey to learn German should include all types of words, German phrases, and verbs.The lists of free German words will help you in many different situations. Idiomatic phrases essential to helping sounding like a native and sometimes only an idiom can help you express exactly what you mean. Is there a contest among the German people to possess the largest pants? Instead, in German if you have your nose full, it means that you are fed up with or sick of something. — Naaa? Whether someone already has or is on the verge of getting a swollen neck, you had better stay out of their way. Verpiss dich! Sep 13, 2018 - Lustige deutsche Ausdrücke und Redensarten in Bildern - Funny German expressions and phrases in pictures and memes. Alles klar wunderbar, sieben Kinder kein Papa All is good wonderful, 7 children no father. The reasons why German learners wish to learn German swear words and insults vary but most people only want to know them to be able to better understand the German street jargon and bad language in German … “Treppenwitz” The word also has an adjective form, “chillig,” which is mostly used to describe a laid-back atmosphere or relaxing surroundings you would encounter while having a chill night. OLLY RICHARDS PUBLISHING LTD. No, though it sometimes seems like that among hip-hop aficionados. This is one of my favourite German expressions. In almost all cases this phrase is used in the form of Ist gebongt to signify that a matter is settled or that you have come to an agreement. Treffen wir uns morgen um drei? means the same thing as the English word “crass,” but it in German its meaning has been broadened and the word can be used to describe almost anything, usually — but not necessarily — in a positive way. Funny sayings / Witzige Sprichwörter. — Good day! Mach mal nicht so einen auf dicke Hose. “Was geht ab?” is the German equivalent of “What’s up?” or “What’s happening?”. ). If you are a teenager, you might also be able to pull off the even shorter “Was geht?” but anyone nearing thirty should stay away from it. — Ok, agreed. It's a complete platform for learning. This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you More German Slang Phrases to Say “THAT’S COOL” That’s Cool / Das ist geil. A good example is “Shitstorm” which happens to be a lot more popular in German than it is in English. — Nicht viel. It seems that over time not only was the spelling adapted to German, but its meaning came to denote a metaphorical hunger for anything – not just food. Enter your email address below to get free access to my Spanish Vocab Power Pack and expand your Spanish vocabulary fast! Tips for Learning German Phrases . #17 Ich spreche nicht gut Deutsch – I do not speak German very well. Maybe you forgot to look at the German love phrases if you are still wondering how you might save the world with German phrases.Love has the power to save if you don't know that yet. (Can we meet tomorrow at three? You know, expressions like: By adding more everyday phrases to your useful German greetings and World Cup German words, you’ll sound less like a textbook and more like a native. No kidding. Free beginner German lesson with audio. — Ja und bei Dir? Its origin is probably found in the slang of criminals in earlier times who, after being delivered to prison, sometimes also received a few punches to the nose (a nose full of punches) from the guards. Fabelhaft Fabulous (more or less obsolete) Fett Fat (or cool in this sense) Geil Cool (most commonly used word for cool, formerly meant horny) Der Hammer The Hammer (also cool) Huregeil Whorishly cool (Switzerland) Knaller Krass. It is the beautiful German way to ask if you’ve lost your marbles. Alter!. Then say the same sentence aloud in German. Moin is the shortening of the phrase, “Guten Morgen” or good morning in parts of northern Germany. Perfect! In this lesson there are lots of really useful expressions and common german phrases you can use when socializing with Germans. We often take too long to create the right grammar, form the words and German phrases in our head, and make it perfect. Some people even have “Böcke,” meaning more than one Bock, but it’s not very common. Let's look... Colourful Descriptions In German. How slang language plays a role in our life in general ; At the point when individuals talk in the vernacular utilizing slang, it expands the English dialect by including more words. ), Mann, hab’ ich einen Hals auf den wegen letzter Woche. (She always has to get out of line! You can even forgo to mention your neck’s thickness and instead say “Ich bekomme so einen Hals” while showing its future dimensions with your open hand held in front of it. See more at Dirty German: Everyday Slang from “What’s Up?” to “F*% Off!” (Dirty Everyday Slang). Have you ever been so angry that you could feel your neck muscles tensing and the veins at its front pulsing?